[row] [span12] [frame align=”left”] o-firmie-proj [/frame] Climatic offers complete project documentation in the field of sanitary, electrical, telecommunication and specialized object-oriented installation systems. Climatic’s offer includes also designing an individual project documentation in the field of building clean room systems. Moreover, preparing a comprehensive design of integrated operating block system allows the user to optimize the jobs of medical personnel.
We also design innovative solar installations and associated systems (trigeneration), simultaneously producing electricity, heat and cold. Climatic’s design offer can be supplemented with the project documentation in the field of non-conventional electrical installations, for example, renewable energy systems and landings lighting. We make trade documentation in coordination with our own team of designers, which ensures trouble-free installation of the facility. Climatic’s designs are consistent with the requirements of technical conditions to be met by buildings in 2021. The projects include both our own technological solutions – proven by many years of use – and the latest solutions based on devices of renowned manufacturers.
The implementation of designed solutions based on our products and solutions ensure optimized operation of the facility. [content_box custom_class=”dark_gray”][row_in][span6]

  • Complete design documentations in the field of sanitary, electrical, telecommunication and specialized object-oriented installation systems.
  • Designing innovative solar installations and associated systems (trigeneration), simultaneously producing electricity, heat and cold. równocześnie prąd, ciepło oraz chłód (TRIGENERACJA)

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  • Individual documentation of building clean room system.
  • Operating block integration systems.
  • Implementation and coordination of the project within a single project team.

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[title_box title=”Design Department of Electrical Installations”] proj_akpiaThe team department develops electrical systems, both interior and exterior in the following areas: basic lighting, emergency and special, sockets, powering technological devices, compensatory connections, protection against electric shock, surge protection, lighting around the building, lightning protection, and external power supply of the building.
The department also designs complete photovoltaic systems for electrical installations and helicopter landing sites. [spacer]



[title_box title=”Design Department of Low Voltage Installations”] proj_niskoThe team department designs telecommunication installations in the following areas: structural network (LAN / WLAN), subscriber networks, telecommunication and television systems, intrusion detection systems, access control and record working time monitoring, CCTV monitoring, audio-video systems, fire protection (SAP, SSP, CCTV, smoke extraction staircases, fire extinguishing systems).
The department also designs automation object systems being a part of or a complete BMS system. [spacer]


[title_box title=”Design Department of Sanitary Installations”] proj_sanThe team department designs sanitary installations: water, sewage, fire protection water supply, heating, cooling, ventilation and air conditioning, medical gases and engineering.
The department also designs solar installations and innovative trigeneration systems simultaneously producing electricity, heat and cold.[/content_box] [/span12] [spacer] [span12][/span12] [/row]